Studio Policies

Lesson Policy

For students age 12 and below, parents are expected to be present in the lesson to observe and take notes. These notes will supplement the teacher's notes and aid in home practice. Pleaes keep cell phones silenced and put away during lessons, unless you are making a recording. 

When you arrive, students should immediately unpack their instruments and rosin bows while they wait for the lesson time. Students who are ready early are welcome to come into the lesson room to observe the previous lesson in progress.


Students are expected to practice every day. For reasons of conscience, Sundays and holidays may be rest days. Students do not learn in the lesson. In lessons they learn how to learn; home practice is where the deep learning happens and the skills develop. Parents are responsible for overseeing the student’s practicing and listening. With young students, parents should be closely involved in each practice.


Students learn to play music in the same way they learn to speak: through hearing it in their environment. Please do everything you can to foster a musical environment for your child. You can do this by playing the Suzuki CD and other classical music every day around your home and by attending live concerts with your child.

Missed Lessons

There are no guaranteed makeups or refunds for missed lessons. If you do need to miss a lesson, you may switch times with other students. In cases of bad weather, lessons will be held at your regular time via Skype or Facetime. If I need to cancel a lesson, I will provide a makeup time for you.


Monthly tuition installments cover lessons, group class, and recitals. Payment is due at the first lesson of every month. If you are more than one month behind on payment, lessons will be paused until you are able to pay. Payments may be made via check or online.

Recitals, Groups, and Other Studio Events

Students of Studio Allegro are expected to participate in the full educational program, which includes regular group class, weekly individual instruction, recitals, and a Suzuki workshop. Attendance at groups and recitals is expected. Please keep this in mind as you schedule other activities. In the case of a conflict, students may apply for an excused absence. Students who miss three or more groups in a semester will not be allowed to participate in the group recital. 

Required Materials
  • A binder for lesson charts and group music.
  • A notebook for teacher note-taking.
  • A notebook for parent note-taking.
  • A music bag for lesson books, shoulder rest, etc.
  • A metronome (or readily available metronome app)
  • A tuner (or good tuner app)
  • All music books from the book list for your child’s level

I am grateful to have the privilege of teaching and building a relationship with your children. Please help me by celebrating their achievements and enjoying the process of learning to play the violin!